Our Service Portfolio
From the initial inquiry for import/export to a successful completion of all the customs procedures
Integrated customs and declaration services
Registration of your company in the EORI System (registration and identification of business subjects and other persons doing business in the EU territory) Production of the customs declarations for all the necessary customs procedures Provision of securities for your customs debt Preparation of the transit declaration T1 (a document necessary for clearing imported/exported goods manufactured outside the EU and for the export of goods manufactured in the EU requiring special registration) Production of EUR1, ATR and other certificates of origin. Complex representation of the client in customs procedures and counselling Production of all the declarations for Intrastat
Production of all the documents necessary for the export of goods to EU countries and countries outside the EU zone: unified customs document JCD, JCDd through electronic form international transit customs document TIR Carnet to countries such as RU, BY, UA, CH... T2L document proving the character of the imported/exported goods EUR1 certificate of origin for the EU countries production of the ATR certificate of origin for Turkey transit customs declaration T1 international consignment note CMR
Securing the customs debt during 10 days Production of all the documents necessary for the import of goods to Slovakia, to the EU countries and countries outside the EU zone: unified customs document JCD, JCDd through electronic form eclaration of data on the customs value for DCH, DCHd